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MY BABIIE: Reviews and Reputation Summary

Rated 4.4 based on 3178 Reviews
Rated 4.4 based on 3178 Reviews
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Natalie Wilson
Published on
May 1, 2024
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Company Snapshot

Founding Year
Annual Revenue
Ashford, United Kingdom

What do people think about MY BABIIE

Analysis of the customer reviews for MY BABIIE products reveals a mixed overall reputation that is generally leaning towards positivity with key considerations in customer service and product quality. The customers have expressed satisfaction with several aspects of their experience, such as the high quality of the deluxe changing bag, despite a minor issue with stitching which was promptly addressed by the company's customer service. This responsiveness to product issues is an important aspect of customer service that can enhance a company's reputation. Additionally, reviewers have praised the pushchairs for their ease of use, sturdy and lightweight design, and the extra room provided for comfort. Quick delivery times and unexpected bonuses like discount codes and included accessories like foot muffs and raincovers add to positive impressions of value and service.

On the other hand, one notably negative review emphasizes a case of perceived misinformation regarding product availability, which has caused the customer significant distress. This instance highlights the critical significance of accurate and transparent communication from the company to their customers, especially regarding product timelines which are often critical to expecting parents. More positive experiences noted by reviewers include superfast delivery and helpful customer service teams, pointing towards a company that generally values customer satisfaction and aims to deliver a solid customer experience. While the issue of mistrust expressed in the negative review certainly impacts the company reputation, it seems to be an outlier when compared to the otherwise commendable feedback. The overall trend suggests that MY BABIIE has a good standing with customers who value product quality, efficiency in delivery, and an overall satisfactory purchasing experience.

MY BABIIE Recent Customers Feedback and Reviews

Read what some customers have to say on Trustpilot...

Sylvia.M Rated MY BABIIE 5-Star on Trustpilot and said...

purchased a deluxe changing bag which is lovely, very good quality, lots of pockets. the only issue was the changing mat, the stitching started to unravel around the edge. i emailed the company and they very kindly sent me a replacement very quickly.

Mohammed Uddin Rated MY BABIIE 5-Star on Trustpilot and said...

WROST COMPANY EVER!!! LIIARS AND FAKE THEY SAID MB500I ALWAYS BEEN JUNE HOWEVER ITS BEEN MAY AND ALSO MENTIONED IT TO A CUSTOMER ON TIKTOK UPDATE: I understand your communicating to me by email however the level of service is extremely poor ypu state its always been in June which is a lie as told via tiktok and your website. So what do I do now you have caused me stress and now I need to find an alternative option due to your MISLEADING INFORMATION. If I wasn't aware of this I would be waiting for nothing and of my baby comes early I would have no baby seat. Do you understand the distress you have caused

John Flint Rated MY BABIIE 5-Star on Trustpilot and said...

Purchased for my great grandaughter her mum says it's really easy to push nice and sturdy and light and the baby loves it
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Frequently Asked Questions About MY BABIIE

What can I expect in terms of quality and features when purchasing a My Babiie changing bag?

Based on current reviews, My Babiie changing bags are considered to be of very good quality with lots of pockets for organization. Although there was an isolated issue with the stitching unraveling on the included changing mat, customer service was reported to respond promptly by sending a replacement.

How has My Babiie addressed customer service concerns, especially regarding product availability and misinformation?

Reviews suggest that there have been instances of confusion over product availability dates, leading to customer distress. The company communicates with customers through email to resolve such issues, though some customers have reported dissatisfaction with the level of service provided.

What is the general customer feedback on the ease of use and delivery of My Babiie strollers?

Customers have provided positive feedback on My Babiie strollers noting they are easy to push, sturdy, light, and provide ample room for the child. The assembly process is described as easy and delivery experiences have been favorable, often noting quick or next-day delivery, and in some cases, the inclusion of additional items such as a foot muff and rain cover.


My Babiie is a brand that caters to the needs of parents and their children by offering a broad selection of baby-related products such as prams, strollers, and various baby gear. The company prides itself on blending style with functionality, providing parents with items that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also meet the practical requirements of raising children. My Babiie stands out for its commitment to delivering these innovative designs at an affordable price point, ensuring that families can have access to quality products without breaking the bank.

The ethos of My Babiie is rooted in understanding both the parent's and the baby's needs, aiming to simplify parenting duties and enhance the joy and comfort of daily activities. Every product from My Babiie is crafted with thoughtfulness, emphasizing ease-of-use and safe, reliable construction. The brand's focus on trendy, yet practical features assures that parents can find the perfect gear to suit their lifestyle and preferences. My Babiie positions itself as a brand that truly values the well-being and satisfaction of its customers, making parenting a more pleasant experience with its supportive range of baby merchandise.

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